Publisher: Wiley - 2006-10-23
Paperback | 2 Edition | 634 Pages
Book Information:
Accounting information is one of the most potent sources of influence and power in any society. This is especially so in those environments where accounting is recognized as a primary means of communication and control. In a world in which more and more people have to deal with complex financial information and an increasingly sizeable proportion of the population acquires shares, this importance can only increase.
Financial Information Analysis 2ed reflects these developments by seeking to address the nature and role of accounting information in modern society, with specific reference to the UK and Europe. In particular, it focuses on the one of the primary accounting documents, the Annual Report. A primary aim is to equip readers with the skills needed to appreciate the information content of this and other accounting documents.
- Focuses on the company Annual Report and equips the reader with the skills needed to appreciate the information content of this document.
- Chapters on creative accounting, corporate governance and regulatory structures have been rewritten to incorporate new information, insights and emphases.
- The changed regulatory environment, particularly in relation to IFRSs (International Financial Reporting Standards) now forms a core stream of the text.
- An additional section dealing with the basic elements of bookkeeping and preparation of final accounts has been added.
- The web site for the book has been enhanced to include a much greater amount of data and reports (including Annual Reports from one UK, one Irish and two continental European countries). The web site will also contain a considerable number of computational questions and answers.
- Includes numerous extracts from newspapers, journals and websites in order to elaborate on points made within the text
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